Module pyminflux.correct

Correction/restoration functions.

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#  Copyright (c) 2022 - 2024 D-BSSE, ETH Zurich.
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__doc__ = "Correction/restoration functions."
__all__ = [

from ._correct import drift_correction_time_windows_2d, drift_correction_time_windows_3d


def drift_correction_time_windows_2d(x: numpy.ndarray, y: numpy.ndarray, t: numpy.ndarray, sxy: float, rx: Optional[tuple] = None, ry: Optional[tuple] = None, T: Optional[float] = None, tid: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None)

Estimate 2D drift correction based on auto-correlation.

Reimplemented (with modifications) from:


x : np.ndarray
Array of localization x coordinates.
y : np.ndarray
Array of localization y coordinates.
t : np.ndarray
Array of localization time points.
sxy : float (Default = 1.0)
Resolution in nm in both the x and y direction.
rx : tuple (Optional)
(min, max) boundaries for the x coordinates. If omitted, it will default to (x.min(), x.max()).
ry : float (Optional)
(min, max) boundaries for the y coordinates. If omitted, it will default to (y.min(), y.max()).
T : float (Optional)
Time window for analysis.
tid : np.ndarray (Optional)
Only used if T is None. The unique trace IDs are used to calculate the time window for analysis using some heuristics.
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def drift_correction_time_windows_2d(
    x: np.ndarray,
    y: np.ndarray,
    t: np.ndarray,
    sxy: float,
    rx: Optional[tuple] = None,
    ry: Optional[tuple] = None,
    T: Optional[float] = None,
    tid: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
    """Estimate 2D drift correction based on auto-correlation.

    Reimplemented (with modifications) from:

    * [paper] Ostersehlt, L.M., Jans, D.C., Wittek, A. et al. DNA-PAINT MINFLUX nanoscopy. Nat Methods 19, 1072-1075 (2022).
    * [code]


    x: np.ndarray
        Array of localization x coordinates.

    y: np.ndarray
        Array of localization y coordinates.

    t: np.ndarray
        Array of localization time points.

    sxy: float (Default = 1.0)
        Resolution in nm in both the x and y direction.

    rx: tuple (Optional)
        (min, max) boundaries for the x coordinates. If omitted, it will default to (x.min(), x.max()).

    ry: float (Optional)
        (min, max) boundaries for the y coordinates. If omitted, it will default to (y.min(), y.max()).

    T: float (Optional)
        Time window for analysis.

    tid: np.ndarray (Optional)
        Only used if T is None. The unique trace IDs are used to calculate the time window for
        analysis using some heuristics.

    if T is None and tid is None:
        raise ValueError("If T is not defined, the array of TIDs must be provided.")

    # Make sure we are working with NumPy arrays
    x = np.array(x)
    y = np.array(y)
    t = np.array(t)
    if tid is not None:
        tid = np.array(tid)

    # Make sure we have valid ranges
    if rx is None:
        rx = (x.min(), x.max())

    if ry is None:
        ry = (y.min(), y.max())

    # Heuristics to define the length of the time window
    if T is None:
        rt = (t[0], t[-1])
        T = len(np.unique(tid)) * np.diff(rx)[0] * np.diff(ry)[0] / 3e6
        T = np.min([T, np.diff(rt)[0] / 2, 3600])  # At least two time windows
        T = max([T, 600])  # And at least 10 minutes long

    # Number of time windows to use
    Rt = [t[0], t[-1]]
    Ns = int(np.floor((Rt[1] - Rt[0]) / T))  # total number of time windows
    assert Ns > 1, "At least two time windows are needed, please reduce T"

    # Center of mass
    CR = 10

    # Maximum number of frames in the cross-correlation
    D = Ns

    # Weight with distance
    w = np.linspace(1, 0.5, D)

    # Regularization term (roughness)
    l = 0.1

    # get dimensions
    Nx = int(np.ceil((rx[1] - rx[0]) / sxy))
    Ny = int(np.ceil((ry[1] - ry[0]) / sxy))
    c = np.round(np.array([Ny, Nx]) / 2)

    # Create all the histograms
    h = [None] * Ns
    ti = np.zeros(Ns)  # Average times of the snapshots
    for j in range(Ns):
        t0 = Rt[0] + j * T
        idx = (t >= t0) & (t < t0 + T)
        ti[j] = np.mean(t[idx])
        hj, _, _, _ = render_xy(
            fwhm=3 * sxy,
        h[j] = hj

    # Compute fourier transform of every histogram
    for j in range(Ns):
        h[j] = fftn(h[j])

    # Compute cross-correlations
    dx = np.zeros((Ns, Ns))
    dy = np.zeros((Ns, Ns))
    dm = np.zeros((Ns, Ns), dtype=bool)
    dx0 = np.zeros(Ns - 1)
    dy0 = np.zeros(Ns - 1)

    for i in range(Ns - 1):
        hi = np.conj(h[i])
        for j in range(i + 1, min(Ns, i + D)):  # Either to Ns or maximally D more
            hj = ifftshift(np.real(ifftn(hi * h[j])))
            yc = c[0]
            xc = c[1]

            # Centroid estimation
            gy = np.arange(yc - 2 * CR, yc + 2 * CR + 1).astype(int)
            gx = np.arange(xc - 2 * CR, xc + 2 * CR + 1).astype(int)
            gy, gx = np.meshgrid(gy, gx, indexing="ij")
            d = hj[gy, gx]
            gy = gy.flatten()
            gx = gx.flatten()
            d = d.flatten() - np.min(d)
            d = d / np.sum(d)
            for k in range(20):
                wc = np.exp(
                    -4 * np.log(2) * ((xc - gx) ** 2 + (yc - gy) ** 2) / CR**2
                n = np.sum(wc * d)
                xc = np.sum(gx * d * wc) / n
                yc = np.sum(gy * d * wc) / n
            sh = np.array([-1.0, 1.0]) * (np.array([yc, xc]) - c)
            dy[i, j] = sh[0]
            dx[i, j] = sh[1]
            dm[i, j] = True
            if j == i + 1:
                dy0[i] = sh[0]
                dx0[i] = sh[1]

    a, b = np.nonzero(dm)
    dx = dx[dm]
    dy = dy[dm]
    sx0 = np.cumsum(dx0)
    sy0 = np.cumsum(dy0)

    # Minimize cost function with some kind of regularization
    options = {"disp": False, "maxiter": 1e5}

    minimizer = lambda x: lse_distance(x, a, b, dx, w, l)
    res = minimize(minimizer, sx0, options=options, method="BFGS")
    sx = np.concatenate(([0], res.x))

    minimizer = lambda x: lse_distance(x, a, b, dy, w, l)
    res = minimize(minimizer, sy0, options=options, method="BFGS")
    sy = np.concatenate(([0], res.x))

    # Reduce by mean (so shift is minimal)
    sx = sx - np.mean(sx)
    sy = sy - np.mean(sy)

    # Multiply by pixel size
    sx = sx * sxy
    sy = sy * sxy

    # Create interpolants
    fx = interp1d(ti, sx, kind="slinear", fill_value="extrapolate")
    fy = interp1d(ti, sy, kind="slinear", fill_value="extrapolate")

    # Correct drift
    dx = fx(t)
    dy = fy(t)

    # Apply to the time points used to estimate the correction
    dxt = fx(ti)
    dyt = fy(ti)

    return dx, dy, dxt, dyt, ti, T
def drift_correction_time_windows_3d(x: numpy.ndarray, y: numpy.ndarray, z: numpy.ndarray, t: numpy.ndarray, sxyz: float, rx: Optional[tuple] = None, ry: Optional[tuple] = None, rz: Optional[tuple] = None, T: Optional[float] = None, tid: Optional[numpy.ndarray] = None)

Estimate 3D drift correction based on auto-correlation.

Reimplemented (with modifications) from:


x : np.ndarray
Array of localization x coordinates.
y : np.ndarray
Array of localization y coordinates.
z : np.ndarray
Array of localization z coordinates.
t : np.ndarray
Array of localization time points.
sxyz : float (Default = 1.0)
Resolution in nm in x, y and z direction.
rx : tuple (Optional)
(min, max) boundaries for the x coordinates. If omitted, it will default to (x.min(), x.max()).
ry : float (Optional)
(min, max) boundaries for the y coordinates. If omitted, it will default to (y.min(), y.max()).
rz : float (Optional)
(min, max) boundaries for the z coordinates. If omitted, it will default to (z.min(), z.max()).
T : float (Optional)
Time window for analysis.
tid : np.ndarray (Optional)
Only used if T is None. The unique trace IDs are used to calculate the time window for analysis using some heuristics.
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def drift_correction_time_windows_3d(
    x: np.ndarray,
    y: np.ndarray,
    z: np.ndarray,
    t: np.ndarray,
    sxyz: float,
    rx: Optional[tuple] = None,
    ry: Optional[tuple] = None,
    rz: Optional[tuple] = None,
    T: Optional[float] = None,
    tid: Optional[np.ndarray] = None,
    """Estimate 3D drift correction based on auto-correlation.

    Reimplemented (with modifications) from:

    * [paper] Ostersehlt, L.M., Jans, D.C., Wittek, A. et al. DNA-PAINT MINFLUX nanoscopy. Nat Methods 19, 1072-1075 (2022).
    * [code]


    x: np.ndarray
        Array of localization x coordinates.

    y: np.ndarray
        Array of localization y coordinates.

    z: np.ndarray
        Array of localization z coordinates.

    t: np.ndarray
        Array of localization time points.

    sxyz: float (Default = 1.0)
        Resolution in nm in x, y and z direction.

    rx: tuple (Optional)
        (min, max) boundaries for the x coordinates. If omitted, it will default to (x.min(), x.max()).

    ry: float (Optional)
        (min, max) boundaries for the y coordinates. If omitted, it will default to (y.min(), y.max()).

    rz: float (Optional)
        (min, max) boundaries for the z coordinates. If omitted, it will default to (z.min(), z.max()).

    T: float (Optional)
        Time window for analysis.

    tid: np.ndarray (Optional)
        Only used if T is None. The unique trace IDs are used to calculate the time window for
        analysis using some heuristics.

    if T is None and tid is None:
        raise ValueError("If T is not defined, the array of TIDs must be provided.")

    # Make sure we are working with NumPy arrays
    x = np.array(x)
    y = np.array(y)
    z = np.array(z)
    t = np.array(t)
    if tid is not None:
        tid = np.array(tid)

    # Make sure we have valid ranges
    if rx is None:
        rx = (x.min(), x.max())

    if ry is None:
        ry = (y.min(), y.max())

    if rz is None:
        rz = (z.min(), z.max())

    # Heuristics to define the length of the time window
    if T is None:
        rt = (t[0], t[-1])
        T = len(np.unique(tid)) * np.diff(rx)[0] * np.diff(ry)[0] / 3e6
        T = np.min([T, np.diff(rt)[0] / 2, 3600])  # At least two time windows
        T = max([T, 600])  # And at least 10 minutes long

    # Number of time windows to use
    Rt = [t[0], t[-1]]
    Ns = int(np.floor((Rt[1] - Rt[0]) / T))  # total number of time windows
    assert Ns > 1, "At least two time windows are needed, please reduce T"

    # Center of mass
    CR = 8

    # Maximum number of frames in the cross-correlation
    D = Ns

    # Weight with distance
    w = np.linspace(1, 0.2, D)

    # Regularization term (roughness)
    l = 0.01

    # get dimensions
    Nx = int(np.ceil((rx[1] - rx[0]) / sxyz))
    Ny = int(np.ceil((ry[1] - ry[0]) / sxyz))
    Nz = int(np.ceil((rz[1] - rz[0]) / sxyz))
    c = np.round(np.array([Nz, Ny, Nx]) / 2)

    # Create all the histograms
    h = [None] * Ns
    ti = np.zeros(Ns)  # Average times of the snapshots
    for j in range(Ns):
        t0 = Rt[0] + j * T
        idx = (t >= t0) & (t < t0 + T)
        ti[j] = np.mean(t[idx])
        hj, _, _, _, _ = render_xyz(
            fwhm=3 * sxyz,
        h[j] = hj

    # Compute fourier transform of every histogram
    for j in range(Ns):
        h[j] = fftn(h[j])

    # Compute cross-correlations
    dx = np.zeros((Ns, Ns))
    dy = np.zeros((Ns, Ns))
    dz = np.zeros((Ns, Ns))
    dm = np.zeros((Ns, Ns), dtype=bool)
    dx0 = np.zeros(Ns - 1)
    dy0 = np.zeros(Ns - 1)
    dz0 = np.zeros(Ns - 1)

    for i in range(Ns - 1):
        hi = np.conj(h[i])
        for j in range(i + 1, min(Ns, i + D)):  # either to Ns or maximally D more
            hj = ifftshift(np.real(ifftn(hi * h[j])))
            zc = c[0]
            yc = c[1]
            xc = c[2]

            # Centroid estimation
            gz = np.arange(zc - 2 * CR, zc + 2 * CR + 1).astype(int)
            gy = np.arange(yc - 2 * CR, yc + 2 * CR + 1).astype(int)
            gx = np.arange(xc - 2 * CR, xc + 2 * CR + 1).astype(int)
            gz, gy, gx = np.meshgrid(gz, gy, gx, indexing="ij")
            d = hj[gz, gy, gx]
            gz = gz.flatten()
            gy = gy.flatten()
            gx = gx.flatten()
            d = d.flatten() - np.min(d)
            d = d / np.sum(d)
            for k in range(20):
                wc = np.exp(
                    * np.log(2)
                    * ((xc - gx) ** 2 + (yc - gy) ** 2 + (zc - gz) ** 2)
                    / CR**2
                n = np.sum(wc * d)
                xc = np.sum(gx * d * wc) / n
                yc = np.sum(gy * d * wc) / n
                zc = np.sum(gz * d * wc) / n
            sh = np.array([1.0, -1.0, 1.0]) * (np.array([zc, yc, xc]) - c)
            dz[i, j] = sh[0]
            dy[i, j] = sh[1]
            dx[i, j] = sh[2]
            dm[i, j] = True
            if j == i + 1:
                dz0[i] = sh[0]
                dy0[i] = sh[1]
                dx0[i] = sh[2]

    a, b = np.nonzero(dm)
    dx = dx[dm]
    dy = dy[dm]
    dz = dz[dm]
    sx0 = np.cumsum(dx0)
    sy0 = np.cumsum(dy0)
    sz0 = np.cumsum(dz0)

    # Minimize cost function with some kind of regularization
    options = {"disp": False, "maxiter": 1e5}

    minimizer = lambda x: lse_distance(x, a, b, dx, w, l)
    res = minimize(minimizer, sx0, options=options, method="BFGS")
    sx = np.concatenate(([0], res.x))

    minimizer = lambda x: lse_distance(x, a, b, dy, w, l)
    res = minimize(minimizer, sy0, options=options, method="BFGS")
    sy = np.concatenate(([0], res.x))

    minimizer = lambda x: lse_distance(x, a, b, dz, w, l)
    res = minimize(minimizer, sz0, options=options, method="BFGS")
    sz = np.concatenate(([0], res.x))

    # Reduce by mean (so shift is minimal)
    sx = sx - np.mean(sx)
    sy = sy - np.mean(sy)
    sz = sz - np.mean(sz)

    # Multiply by voxel size
    sx = sx * sxyz
    sy = sy * sxyz
    sz = sz * sxyz

    # Create interpolants
    fx = interp1d(ti, sx, kind="slinear", fill_value="extrapolate")
    fy = interp1d(ti, sy, kind="slinear", fill_value="extrapolate")
    fz = interp1d(ti, sz, kind="slinear", fill_value="extrapolate")

    # Correct drift
    dx = fx(t)
    dy = fy(t)
    dz = fz(t)

    # Apply to the time points used to estimate the correction
    dxt = fx(ti)
    dyt = fy(ti)
    dzt = fz(ti)

    return dx, dy, dz, dxt, dyt, dzt, ti, T